Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Curlyhorns who lived in the desert. One day she ate traded with a traveling merchant and burped up was given a dull old lamp. Since it was shiny and dragons like shiny things, she decided to keep it! It needed polishing though, and so she gave it a good rub. Out came a magic genie, who with a booming voice proclaimed "I will grant you three wishes!"
"I wish for you to remove this gravity dragon!" she indicated her forelimb, where a little black dragon was stuck clinging to her arm.
"Sorry, he's on there REALLY good. I can't get him off. Have you tried grease and a crowbar?"
"More than once," she grumbled. "Okay, next wish. I'd like to meet a male who wasn't a worthless bum for once."
"You and me both, girlfriend. I said wishes, not miracles."
Apparently these genie was also a male, and a worthless bum. "Seems the same to me. Okay fine. Can you turn into a camel?"
"I can turn into a camel."
"Okay, I wish for you to turn into a camel."
After that, Curlyhorns and her gravity-drake attachment had a big birthday party for her, with lots of male bums, dragonesses in skimpy outfits, and delicious camel cake!