However and for what it's worth, I noticed when I load your friends' page from your page, at the top, it is showing this bit of visible html, consisting of the typical < href= "link" >shown text bit. Except (and I don't even know if this is html you have access to, etc.) if you look at that bit, there is no "close-quote" at the end of the link and before the >shown text part.
Anyway, other than that, it's nice to see you have made your way back around to this place - and in the one recent entry, your photo looks great, too, btw.
Comments 5
However and for what it's worth, I noticed when I load your friends' page from your page, at the top, it is showing this bit of visible html, consisting of the typical < href= "link" >shown text bit. Except (and I don't even know if this is html you have access to, etc.) if you look at that bit, there is no "close-quote" at the end of the link and before the >shown text part.
Anyway, other than that, it's nice to see you have made your way back around to this place - and in the one recent entry, your photo looks great, too, btw.
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Syntes ikke du den er fin? =( Lol. Jeg syns den er litt egyptisk jeg.
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