I love the layouts you have but I seem to be having some problems putting the Zero/Yuuki (I'm nor reading the manga and I adore them so much) and some of the images and other things aren't coming up. For the life of me I can't figure out LJ coding for crud..please help! ^-^;;
First you need to make sure your picture host can host the header pic without resizing it. If you're using Photobucket, just go to the Account Options section and select a higher size for the Max Picture Size. And then reupload that picture. Then you have to go to this page:
And in the second "Web Page" section put in a link and a name for the link in those two fields. It can be anything, like "LiveJournal" and "www.livejournal.com". Then it should work ^^
Alright, I took your advice and since photobucket was being mean to me I used imagecave instead. Now some of the images are showing up(before I scroll down then its just gone) but not like the links, navigation or anything of the sort...and I've been like putting in the right url for it. *Has tried this now atleast four times*
Hm can you try them and tell me exactly what you get stuck on? That or if you are comfortable with emailing me your password I can put the layout in for you, as long as you upload the pictures somewhere.
I had this problem with the last person who designed a layout for me. The directions just I don't know-confuse me. God that makes me feel really stupid. I'll try it on my own a few more times, if that doesn't work-I trust you with my password and everything. My e-mail is SlytherinPunk@yahoo.com I can upload the pictures into my photobucket account. But I don't just see the pics on here-unless you mean the whole thing...Wait-I'm confused. God I really am sorry about this.
Hmm your image was resized cuz your settings on Photobucket only allow for a certain size file. Go to your Account Options in Photobucket and make the maximum file size the biggest one possible, then reupload your pic. That should work.
Comments 54
Took the zero/yuuki one
And in the second "Web Page" section put in a link and a name for the link in those two fields. It can be anything, like "LiveJournal" and "www.livejournal.com". Then it should work ^^
Coding hates me so much. T_T
Edit:..okay now it works! ^^;; Stupid me. ^^;;
just wondering how to fix it?
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