Drabble: Blissed Out

Jul 31, 2012 23:01

Title: Blissed Out
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Peter and Sylar share a moment after sex.

Peter was neither pretending nor sleeping, Sylar realized. He'd been about to be offended that his partner's post-coital activity was snuggling up to him and pretending to doze off, all heavy-lidded and utterly relaxed, but Peter's fingers now lazily skimming Sylar's side told him different. Peter was clearly present. He was merely blissed out, stoned on endorphins, blown away and only sluggishly recovering from the spectacular sex they'd just had. Peter'd been well and truly fucked into submission. Put that way, Sylar was flattered at the compliment to his prowess. He gathered Peter to him, pressing lips to his lover's forehead.

sylar, !fandom: heroes, peter, rated r, sylar/peter

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