Title: Acts of Kindness (8 chapter fic)
Rating: PG
Words: ~20,000
Characters/Pairings: Peter and Sylar, platonic, no slash, appearances by Angela and Claire
Summary: Immediately after Brave New World, Peter takes it onto himself to help Sylar reintegrate into society, and unwittingly fulfills Lydia's prophecy that Sylar would find someone to care about him.
Warnings: None, really. No sex, no violence. One or two curse words.
1 I was just trying to be kind:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/27347.html2 Shelter from the Storm:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/27604.html3 Rise and Shine:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/27736.html4 Light of Day:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/27944.html5 High Noon:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/28254.html6 Time of Day:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/28489.html7 Tea Time:
game-byrd.livejournal.com/28784.html8 A New Day Dawns: