Hello, everyone! Hope you're all having a pleasant Sunday evening. :) I'm a little beat, but I'm proud to bring you six fantastic icons (on time!) for which you can all vote upon!
-Do not vote for yourself.
-Do not vote for the same icon more than once.
-You must be a member in order to vote.
-Vote for your top three favorite icons in order of preference. (i.e.: 1, 2, 3)
-Voting will be open until Tuesday at 9PM EDT.
No special category this week!
Featured Games/Characters:
01. Guitar Hero 2/Judy Nails and Axel Steel
02. Ys 2 Eternal/Adol Christin & Lilia
03. Team Fortress 2/Scout and Pyro
04. Half-Life 2 Episode 2: The Black Box/Strider and Dog
05. Flyff (MMORPG)
06. We Love Katamari
Good luck, everyone! Your last mod post of the night follows; after that I'm through spamming you. ^^