Dream is in his office all afternoon. He may be slightly wistful as he begins the work of packing his books to leave the school, and he hopes his independent study students will stop by.
Around fifth period, Parker stopped by with her Russian essay. "Hi, Professor Dream. I finished the essay on Alexander Pushkin versus Chekhov."
[Said essay compares the attitudes of Pushkin vs. Chekhov (supporter of democracy vrs. communism), backgrounds (aristrocrat vs. middle-class) and literary types (mostly poetry with some folk tale elements, vs. straight prose and drama). Parker comes down heavily in favor of Pushkin, partly because he wrote with ease of translation in mind, partly because he's a more optimistic writer. She admits that Chekhov is probably more layered, though. It's very well-researched but tends to ramble a bit.]
"Thank you, sir." Parker looks vaguely uncomfortable. "I know I haven't done as much this semester as I wanted to. I think taking an Independent Study on top of five classes was probably a mistake."
Comments 19
[Said essay compares the attitudes of Pushkin vs. Chekhov (supporter of democracy vrs. communism), backgrounds (aristrocrat vs. middle-class) and literary types (mostly poetry with some folk tale elements, vs. straight prose and drama). Parker comes down heavily in favor of Pushkin, partly because he wrote with ease of translation in mind, partly because he's a more optimistic writer. She admits that Chekhov is probably more layered, though. It's very well-researched but tends to ramble a bit.]
"Do you expect to continue your Russian studies?"
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