Title: Song Beneath the Song (4/6) Author: gameboycolor Betas: a_glass_parade, blueb1rd, and truthaboutglee. Any mistakes are my own. Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (Mentions of Blaine Anderson/Jackson Avery and canon Grey’s Anatomy ships mentioned in passing.) Spoilers: none Warnings: Medical situations, Death of a minor canon character: [Spoiler (click to open)] Burt Hummel
elevator scene! I'll admit to a tiny squeal when Kurt hit that button.
Seeing Kurt using his extra year and reaching out to Blaine was lovely. I feel like I can see this deep friendship blossoming between them and I feel almost happier knowing that they both now are starting to have someone to turn to if there was a crisis (not that I want there to be a crisis, of course, but I do know that place is a bit of a magnet or it!)
Comments 27
Seeing Kurt using his extra year and reaching out to Blaine was lovely. I feel like I can see this deep friendship blossoming between them and I feel almost happier knowing that they both now are starting to have someone to turn to if there was a crisis (not that I want there to be a crisis, of course, but I do know that place is a bit of a magnet or it!)
Thank you!
I'm a sucker for the elevator scenes... :D
i love how well these characters work in this universe you've put them in. they just... fit, which is admittedly both surprising and amazing.
I'll stop being a tease soon. Probably. Ish.
"Sometimes he wishes there was a way for people to be matched as perfectly as organs."
Nicely done, author.
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