Title: The Dark of the Matinee Author: gameboycolor Pairing: Klaine Spoilers: none Warnings: pre-D/S elements, exhibition Rating: R Length: ~800 Summary: Kurt may have picked the film, but that doesn't mean that he isn't bored.
Kurt knows it’s a sign of how out of his element Blaine is. They both are. But if Blaine was truly uncomfortable, he would say something. And Kurt would listen. Kurt vaguely wonders if they shouldn’t have a signal for these sort of things. “Honey,” Kurt says quietly. “You’re doing, ah, so well.”
It's like Kurt doesn't know anything about D/s or safewords, but he's having to invent the concept of safewords himself because they need one. :)
1. I read the title as "The Dark of the Manatee" at first. This happens to me every time someone write the word matinee.
2. I love that you were able to make them smoldering hot, but still perfectly in character. How do you do that? What sorts of voodoo magic must you conjure?
Comments 34
Kurt knows it’s a sign of how out of his element Blaine is.
They both are.
But if Blaine was truly uncomfortable, he would say something.
And Kurt would listen.
Kurt vaguely wonders if they shouldn’t have a signal for these sort of things.
“Honey,” Kurt says quietly. “You’re doing, ah, so well.”
It's like Kurt doesn't know anything about D/s or safewords, but he's having to invent the concept of safewords himself because they need one. :)
2. I love that you were able to make them smoldering hot, but still perfectly in character. How do you do that? What sorts of voodoo magic must you conjure?
2. I try to keep them at least somewhat fumbling - they're still teenagers after all. It helps!
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