I'm hiding for my mom and dad. Well if you know why? I am hiding because of my grades.I'm out in the open so i need you to be quit. well I'm done for now well I'll ttyl pease out a town down
I'm so freeking bored. So whats going on with the you ppl. I am so happy because i found out that I have a easy that might put in a magizen. My teacher told me that she want to enter it in that magizen.(by the way i am not the best speller)well i am dun typing in my journal. Pease out A town down
We had a filltrip today. I got to sit next to Haley :)(wink wink) lol nutin really happened we talked. We saw a play as well. I did not liie the fact that they changed the sripted. It was that play with Srooge. I don't know the name of it. Well I don't know what else to put so thats is for now. Pease out A town down
I hate my GF's sister. She tried to back us up with a e-mail. That evil person. She also hates her sister now. Use to she talked to went she but now she hates her. I don't balm her at all.I mean really. I like this girl i mean i would do anything.
I am happy I get talk to Haley today :) yeppy. I am so bored to i have nutin to do. Well i don't bor you so i am going to end this pease out A town down
I am so sad I can't call Haley boo who but, no onw cares about little old me. I wish I could call her i am so sad. I am going to my happy place I hope if I am not sad. I may just go to sad place instead. Pease out A town down. I made this song at the music part.
I could not really think of anything as a title so I blah. Well I am happy. I am still with my girlfriend but, someone prolby care. Well thats ok. I have been with her for over a month. Well thats all for today.Pease out A town down.BYE-BYE
I found out that i have a stalker. I tricker her into telling me.She said she takes pictures of me. She also said she has a big box all bout me.Well i had nutin better to do so i thought i would put this down. Well i got to jet pease out A town down
I am starting to be knew well not by many ppl but i am geting there. Its not many ppl but its a working progres. I am taling to a friend on the phone no one is on the net. Well i got to jet. Pease out A town down. BYE BYE.