the answer to your first riddle he can grant that wish example if you tell someone that you will do anything they want and they tell you they don't want you to do anything you have already done what you said so he already has granted your wish by never granting it
here is the answer to your second riddle if you can divide the number one infinitly and you add up these infintesimal numbers over and over how will they ever reach the number one the answer to your riddle is that infintesimal numbers add up infinitatly to equal one so when you cut the distance in half over and over nothing really changes so your second riddle is kinda stupid if you know any thing bout infinity
Comments 4
he can grant that wish example
if you tell someone that you will do anything they want and they tell you they don't want you to do anything you have already done what you said so he already has granted your wish by never granting it
here is the answer to your second riddle
if you can divide the number one infinitly and you add up these infintesimal numbers over and over how will they ever reach the number one
the answer to your riddle is that infintesimal numbers add up infinitatly to equal one so when you cut the distance in half over and over nothing really changes so your second riddle is kinda stupid if you know any thing bout infinity
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