d20 Gamma World vs d20 Future

Jul 14, 2004 13:23

First, if you haven't read the new In The Works You may want to look down at the entry for d20 Future real quick. Also, there is a discussion regarding it on the d20 Modern boards in this thread. I'll wait while any who need to catch up...

Ok, now that we're all on the same page, I have some questions. The rules are not going to be compatable (mutations, cybernetics, psionics, etc) so I wonder how this is going to be handled. I see three ways this could be handled:

1. As a GM, choose to go with one or the other source exclusively
a. d20 Future and rebuild Gamma World using it
b. d20 Gamma World and ignore the new material from WotC
2. As a GM, go with WotC and use d20 Gamma World as source material (and the community rules), pulling in certain aspects, particularly talent trees and Advanced classes
3. S&S republishing d20 Gamma World entirely using the new (OGC as I have heard) rules in d20 Future

Of these, which options do you see yourselves following?

If I had an existing campaign I'd probably go with 1B, but as of yet I do not have one and... if I still don't when d20 Future is available, I may just go through with option 2 up there as a good one and then ignore #3 if it ever happens... Unless they intend to do it quickly, in which case we've spent a lot of money on books that quickly became shelf collection items (like the rest of my extensive gamma world collection *grin*)
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