Very Vivid Dream Last Night...

Aug 30, 2011 10:04

Apparently I died because the dream started off in darkness with a voice explaining to me that while I was good enough to avoid Hell, I didn’t quite make the cut for Heaven, so I was going to Purgatory. I could expect things to work mostly the way they did on Earth but with a few of the minor perks of Heaven such as not having to do any sort of work (including laundry and cooking), worry about getting sick and that my crappy body would be back in peak working condition.

This voice went on to explain that my goal while in Purgatory should be to work my way towards Heaven, but that anything that was a direct ticket to Hell would still apply.

I then woke up in a bedroom to find I was wearing my leopard print tux, had an infinite supply of those and my favorite bathing suit in a closet.

The dream then cuts to me hanging out in a sort of night club with a completely eclectic mix of clientele.  Eventually I find my way over to a pocket of Goths where I naturally strike up a conversation with a heavy dose of flirting with one of the girls in the group and they quickly establish that I’m “the new guy” (presumably they’ve all been dead for some time now).

After we leave the club we’re walking back to what turns out to be our shared house and I notice for the first time that Purgatory looks a lot like San Francisco.  As we’re getting back to the house, one of my house mates (no one from real life was in the dream) explained that the person who used to be in my room couldn’t stand the perpetual routine of the afterlife and started trying to commit suicide.  He was eventually successful and subsequently dragged to Hell “in a rather melodramatic fashion.”  (direct quote from the dream).

I miss having vivid dreams like this and honestly wouldn’t mind finding out that this was exactly what the afterlife was like.
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