We went to Dick's Last Resort last night. They fed us out of buckets and troughs. Everyone got paper hats. Mine said "I heart Richard Simmons." The waiter was obnoxious (good) and the table next to us was really obnoxious (and annoying). I'd like to be a waiter at that restaurant because you get to yell at the customers. But not one of those
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Today is a gray, wet day. It's cold and rainy outside, the kind of day that is making the truck smell like mold and my eyes burn. (Although my eyes could be burning for any number of reasons
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Mom just called to say what train she's planning to take home. She said "And I should be okay because South Station is absolutely crawling with security. Bomb sniffing dogs, everything
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Someday I want these lyrics to apply to me: I met a strange lady, she made me nervous She took me in and gave me breakfast.The rents are playing a concert tonight but I won't be able to go because I'll be at work
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Every time I see something bad happen on the news-- an accident, a drowning, a shooting-- I think it's going to involve somebody I know. But it never has
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