Big update!
This summer I'm moving in with my boyfriend in his real house, with a real backyard. He knows how much I love gardening and becuase he is the best boyfriend ever, he spent last weekend building and filling a raised garden bed for me!
It's 6' x 6' and 9 inches high. Last weekend (6/2-6/3) he built the frame, we made several trips to the garden center and spent WAY too much money on top soil. On sunday I spent the morning planting everything in the bed, and then it continued to rain for the next 7 days straight. There are some bunny "issues" in the back yard, by which i mean they are little hellraisers and eat everything. So we invested in some nasty smelling liquid fence, and so far it seems to be holding. It's this organic smelly stuff that smells bad to bunnies. Unfortunately it smells to humans for the first day or so also. It smells REALLY REALLY rank.
In addition to the raised bed I also have a bunch of stuff growing in pots.
Here's the list of all the plants:
Raised Bed:
1 early girl tomato; 2 juliet tomatoes in the same cage, ferned cilantro, curly leaf parsley, a row of edemame soybeans, many tomatillos (i think another post about this coming soon), bell peppers, jalapeno, and purple clusters hot peppers.
In pots: 2 sunflowers, 2 moon flowers, swiss chard (growing very very slowly), tomatillos, sweet 100's tomatoes w/ dahlias, sweet 100's with nastiurtiums, impatients, fuchsia, hanging basket with verbena & lantans.
I really love gardening. I was kind of bummed since I decided to give up on the community garden plot, but this has been really awesome. Every day when I come home from work I peruse the garden and anxiously wait for things to start popping up! I started some of those things from seed.... and while at first when things popped up I felt all confident... now i'm starting to wonder about some of them.. (about which a further post will show up).
And now for the best part!!! THE PICTURES!
x-posted to my journal