I really really need to be reading for prelims right now... But I've been good this week and I'm wearing a sparkly top, and I just don't want to to.
On Tuesday
friends Kristen and Annie and I went to the weed garden plot. At first it was pretty frustrating. I had to wrestle weeds the size of me (granted I am petite) just to FIND the green beans. Sad... I still haven't managed to rescue the dill or basil yet. But we did a really good job. I made a dent in the worst of the tall weeds that are bigger than me, and now i can at least get to the green beans. I realized that next week I need to actually take a shovel with me. Kristen & Annie did a fabulous job of cleaning the bed with the most produce in it. It got entirely weeded, and we managed to save most of the other overgrown bed. While weeding i found some "surprises". Namely a bunch of sunflower plants, a yellow pear tomato plant, and a bunch of tomatillos. I don't think Sarah planted the tomatillos, but she may have. Oh and the tri color beans Sarah planted, they weren't white and green and yellow, they are PURPLE AND GREEN AND YELLOW. Did you hear me? PURPLE GREEN BEANS. they are super tasty and just so much fun!
Its not really clear what the deal is with the pepper plants, I think they just got put in the ground way way too late. They're small and not producing and we may have accidentally weeded some of them out.
Next year my plan is to make a real effort to go get some of the woodchips the city gives away. It would help sooo much. Also to see what co-gardener sarah thinks of just getting 1 plot, instead of 2. It feels like just too much work. Though maybe if she weren't planning a wedding and I wasn't in the middle of prelim hell we'd be able to manage it no problem.
Today I went back to water. Part of me gets a little frustrated with the garden. But whenever I get to walk alway with a big bag of fresh produce I remember why I love it so much and I remember that despite my weeds, I love my garden cuz it grows the yummiest things!
In the last week this is what has been harvested:
Kristen: purple onions, rainbow swiss chard, a huge carrot, a few little tomatoes. I think she made some crazy ass salad.
Annie: 2 bok chois, some lettuce and I think some other stuff. maybe an onion? she was going to make stirfry!
Me: 3 bok chois, my first zuchini of the season!, big yellow onion, green beans, purple green beans, swiss chard, a few sun golds. I satuee-d some older little onions and bok choi earlier in the week and ate it with rice and an egg for dinner, and this week I plan on having bok choi salad and making some sauce with zucchini, onion & chard. Yumminess.