I've been seriously considering shaving my head. Not later, now! I'm sick of my hair. I've been really annoyed with it lately. I wish it were as dark as it looks in the icon I use for this livejournal. It always looks darker in pictures. I found my driver's license from 1998 and it was so nice, just a little tiny bit grey, like a streak, and it was so dark brown, and so was I, and no double chin. I looked so pretty. Margaux said, "Wow, look at your brown hair," when she saw it. I've been thinking of cutting my hair really short, bleaching it and coloring it blonde, so when it grows out, it'll just be this little patch of blonde on the ends. I thought about getting it permed, too. Maybe I should perm it and if it looks horrible, shave it, bleach it and blonde it. Blonde it--I just created a new verb! Shahram says, "Go ahead, Baby." Margaux says, "You should wait until after your surgery," And, "Do you want to be bald, Mom?" Ya know, the only reason I haven't done it is because I don't want to clean up the hair! guh....