Monday Meme 13 : 2005-08-15 : Reading Rainbow 1. Do you subscribe to any magazines? Which? Are there any you'd like to subscribe to but haven't?
Guh, yes, tons.
Popular Science
PC Magazine
PC World (maybe both)
National Geographic
Disney Adventures
Weight Watchers
And the name escapes me... a cooking magazine
I think that's it.
I'd like to subscribe to New Moon, and Reader's Digest.
2. How many books do you read per month? How many are for work?
This is a bad question for me because I'm usually in a state of reading several books at the same time, and I often start new novels before finishing others.
3. What is your favorite genre of book (fiction, self-help, etc...)?
Everything. If I were going to pick a book to read all day long, like on a beach or something like that, I'd pick an Elizabeth Berg book.
4. Where do you get your reading materials? Online? Bookstore? Library?
Everywhere books are sold. :o) I rarely go to the library, but we do go.
5. List 5 books you recommend people read:
Talk Before Sleep
What We Keep
The Stand
Night Eyes
And a book I'll have to look up because both title and author escape me now.
I was the 254th person to take this week's
Monday Meme!