October Missions!

Oct 01, 2010 22:48


x) The S.S. Thor needs Mattress Herders. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The S.S. Thor needs elevator therapists. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The SS Thor needs battery lickers- Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The SS Thor needs sparkplug changers - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs pooper scoopers - Slots: [1] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The SS Thor needs warp drive rechargers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The SS Thor needs cooling system inspectors - Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
x) The SS Thor needs computer hackers - Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO]

x) Pizzaxis needs Delivery Boys (all genders may apply). Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The Lightning Post needs someone to deliver the paper. Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Marmosets Now needs marmoset deliverypersons- Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Orange You Glad needs knock-knock joke deliverers- Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Insults.com needs door to door insult specialists - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]

x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs refreshment hawkers - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Olive Oyl's EVOO needs olive stompers- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Banana Slings needs hunky studs to serve as waiters- Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Get Yo Chicken On needs fry cooks - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Corncakes needs corn huskers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Mama Babbkruk's House of Bloody Meat needs butchers: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) La Pizza Loca is seeking pizza chefs- Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Ragiouttar's Fine Dining requires impeccable waitstaff to serve a sophistcated clientele - Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO]

x) Jox's Tobacco shop needs clerks Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x)Armond Deeler's Weapons Shop needs clerks Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x) HATTACK! Needs hat-weaponry customer service providers Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs persuasive ticket sellers and odds speculators - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs dedicated monster salespeople! - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) PetShop needs dead goldfish netters - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Hurrr Hurrrrr needs people to market their suggestive all-male computer games to socially inhibited young women - Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Hearts-2-U needs fast-talking sales reps to sell hearts to the heartless - Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Kitten Mittens is looking for sales reps to promote their cat fashion accessories - Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Dr. Zeuss' House of Rhyming Books needs rhyme time demonstrators - Slots: [5] Pay: [CEO]

[Health and Safety]
x) PETSM needs monster fight ring protestors for the sake of our children! - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor Crime Enforcement needs de-lousers - Slots: [2] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor needs art therapists - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor Crime Enforcement is looking for medical examiners- Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs healers and medical specialists - Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) SS Thor needs exercise wheel greasers - Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The Sanitation Station requires twirly chair disinfectors - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) SS Thor needs surrogate seahorse fathers- Slots: [6] Pay: [College Degree]
x) St. Xlakkyr XVII Memorial Hospital needs good news and bad news deliverers- Slots: [2] Pay: [College Degree]
x) St. Xlakkyr XVII Memorial Hospital needs snarky diagnosticians to debate confusing terminal cases- Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]

[Culture and Couture]
x) OMG SO KAWAIIZ needs plushie designers - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Hikipiki Hair Designs needs aromatherapists - Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs groomers and hairstylists - Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) RomanceChemistry.com needs Marriage Matchmaking Experts- Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Bunberry Designer clothing needs Professional Plaid Coordinators - Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO]
x) Massaji Massaji is looking for leg lotioners- Slots: [2] Pay: [CEO]

x) The S.S. Thor needs primary school students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for children 12 and under only!] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The S.S. Thor needs high school students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for children 13 - 18 only!] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The S.S. Thor needs university students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for adults age 18+ only!] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The S.S. Thor needs teacher's aides. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The S.S. Thor needs Day-Care Sitters. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The S.S. Thor needs a school nurse. Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The S.S. Thor needs primary school teachers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The S.S. Thor needs high school teachers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The Seen Library needs librarians. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) The S.S. Thor needs college professors. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Interior Design instructor needed - Slots: [1] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Dog Obedience instructor needed - Slots: [1] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Stalking 101 instructor needed - Slots: [1] Pay: [CEO Level]

x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs fight announcers - Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Fighting Monsters Battle Ring needs a panel to discuss strategy in the ring during its tutorial TV show- Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) TV show You're A Slob needs hosts to give makeovers - Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Oh Those Refugees needs a panel to mock embarrassing moments caught on tape- Slots: [5] Pay: [CEO Level]

[Arts and Humanities]
x) Thor Community College needs actors for their production of Hamlet - Slots: [8] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Thor Community College needs costume designers for Hamlet - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Thor Community College needs stage hands for Hamlet - Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Thor Mime Time is looking for banana pantomime artists - Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Half-time acts needed for Battle Monsters Fight Ring - Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]
x) The SS Thor needs music box creators - Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]

x) My Cousin Vinny's Tours needs tour guides. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) My Cousin Vinny's Tours needs criminal law experts. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) My Cousin Vinny's Tours needs automotive specialists. Slots: [2] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Sleazebunny's Speakeasy needs bouncers. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Sleazebunny's Speakeasy needs card dealers. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Dick Hatman, Private Eye needs investigators- Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Curious Georgie's Snoops needs stool pigeons- Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Benny's House of Blues needs jazz singers- Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Undercover Brothers needs undercover agents- Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
x) G. Men needs suit fitters- Slots: [5] Pay: [CEO Level]
x) Dames, Dames, Dames needs ticket sellers - Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Valentine's Automotive needs door tank installers- Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
x) Chairface Chippendale needs hired muscle- Slots: [2] Pay: [CEO Level]

[News, Media, and Publishing]
x) Megadodo Publications, S.S. Thor branch, needs Mailroom Clerks. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) The Lightning Post needs story contrivers! Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Channel 2 needs news reporters. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Sham-wow needs publicists. Slots: [2] Pay: [College Degree]

[Sciences, Research, and Testing]
x) Happy Family Clinic needs sperm defrosters- Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor Labs needs basketball bouncers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor Labs need paint drying timers - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
x) SS Thor Labs needs popsicle eaters - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) SS Thor Labs needs fortune tellers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Wendy's Burgers needs chicken sandwich testers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Consumer Safety Magazine needs Zrathomian Kiwi-based hair dye testers - Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) SS Thor Labs needs peekaboo players. - Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO Level]
x) SS Thor Labs needs memory tamperers. - Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO Level]

[Physical Labor]
x) Peter Piper's needs peppy pickled pepper pickers and packers- Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
x) Mother Earth Healthiest Foods Ever Ever requires assembly line technicians. - Slots: [8] Pay: [Minimum]
x) Stone Age Tech needs artistic stone wheel carvers. - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]

x) Nargila Barglax is still looking for enhanced interrogation experts- Slots: [2] Pay: [CEO Level]

Note: The missions will be posted on every floor of the S.S. Thor and can also be found in the Lightning Post for those already subscribing, as well as on the network. Unless otherwise stated it's first come first serve, so just reply to the right comment below and you'll get it! However, to make sure everyone has a chance to get a mission, you have to wait until next Thursday before you can apply for a second one.

To see what the requirements are for applying for Somewhat Decent, College Degree, and CEO level Wages, go here, and make sure you comment if you want the promotion!

Each mission lasts a month, and the paycheck will be handed out after the mission has been completed.

For those characters (and muns) who appreciate a bit more stability in their life, we have a Permanent Jobs Listing. If you're interested in pursuing this, please read all the instructions carefully before applying.

Replies will be in character. Please wait until all the jobs have been listed before commenting. Start a new thread for any OOC questions. And keep spam to a minimum! (...lol...)


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