Oct 04, 2010 18:15
[Hello, S.S Thor. This is the Master speaking. Except, he won't introduce himself as such first. So, in the meantime, if your character is unfamiliar with him, have a: reasonably well-spoken English sounding man dressed in a black suit. All considered, he sounds quite cheerful and looks quite at home. Well. It does beat being dead.]
"Don't panic"? Now isn't the cute. Directed by a book after being at the hands of an entirely useless bureaucracy. "Don't worry; despite our ineffectiveness, life isn't as bad you might expect." Is that what they're trying to say?
Still. Not to worry: we've all been saved from the inevitable destruction of our home planets and been given a towel, as a towel clearly solves the problem of stranded refugees. [A pause.] It all seems a little 'b-movie from the '50s', doesn't it? An utterly preposterous tale designed to enchant, warn and guide. I wonder who's supposed to be the political enemies this time around?
[Another pause, in which he hums idly, leaning back in a rather convenient chair.]
But that's neither here nor there, is it? Harold Saxon, by the way. Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom -- that's on Earth, for the record. Sol 3.
But I'm hardly the most interesting person here. Why don't we all have a little meet-and-greet? Tell me about yourselves, where you come from, how long you've been here and what you think of our delightful little journey across the universe.
the master