Oct 16, 2010 12:02
[Jade's striding back and forth at the front of a very large lecture hall. The whole room is filled with aliens of all shapes and sizes, although, notably, the first three rows are vacant, and everyone in the fourth seems to be shaking. Somewhat.]
Today, we'll go over your midterms. The majority of your grades have been abysmal, at best, so I feel it is my job as your instructor to... move you along in the right direction.
[Somewhere in the back, there is a SHRIIIEEEK and a CLUNK as someone passes out.]
Now, now, none of that. I'm simply trying to broaden your horizons!
[Again, coming from the back, there's another cry. This time, someone tries to shout "BULLSH-" before being tackled by no less than five other students. Jade continues as normal.]
Let's take a look at question number one. I gave you the scenario of a violent individual breaking into your home with the intent to kill you and your family. The majority of you wrote that you would call the proper authorities and wait patiently for help to arrive.
In such a situation, one may be able to argue that any sort of action taken to keep oneself alive can be considered an ethical choice on the grounds that you are simply trying to protect yourself and your loved ones. While answering 'I will wait for the authorities' isn't wrong per se, I removed points simply because I know the majority of you who answered as such are, in fact, lying, and I find that far less ethical than admitting that you would either attack the intruder back, or run screaming and crying into your closet.
[There's a lot of shouting again, but Jade just stands at the front of the room with THAT SMILE on his face, waiting for everyone to quiet down before continuing.]
I will take any questions now, but keep them to a minimum of thirty seconds. We have much to cover, after all.
[ooc: Feel free to action this up if you're a university student! Even if you aren't, Jade probably let you in on his class if you were quiet enough! Also, obviously, your character didn't have to answer the way the majority of the class has!]
jade curtiss