Nov 07, 2010 10:01
[Hello Thor! No, no filter! It seems the Guide has come on accidentally. It's in a yellow wicker basket along with packets of many different flower seeds. There are mostly sunflowers... actually, a great majority of the seeds are sunflower seeds. Everything else looks like nice plant supplies. Yup, she's liberating them from the shop, that's all...]
[The screen stops bouncing when she stops moving before a large door. Youmu's Underground Garden? Nope... it's a very large, very bare room will moist dirt upturned and what looks like a small house in the distance. A river is running through and there's a sizable lake on the far side]
Ah, not exactly the same, but this works~♥
... Hm?
[She noticed the Guide. It's turned off.]
yuuka kazami