Nov 17, 2010 18:29
[Stein rolls into the classroom, sitting backwards in his rolling chair and looking quite Serious Business.]
All right class, settle down. Today we'll be doing a basic frog dissection. Turn to page four in your supplementary textbook...
[The supplementary textbook in question is a twenty-page booklet that Stein put together just for this purpose. There's been one provided for every student.] As you can see, we'll start with a basic cut to the- [Suddenly, a foot comes from the side and boots Stein's chair, and thus Stein, out of the camera area. Presumably the thunk that followed was him hitting the wall.]
Goddammit Stein, how many times do I have to tell you? This is fucking English. [Enter Gin with a textbook and a sheaf of papers looking utterly disgusted. Setting those onto the desk, he turns his attention to his class.] Ignore that. Today your opinion paper is due so those of you who actually bothered to finish it can hand it in now... [he trails off, glowering at Stein who wheels himself back into the image.]
[Stein is fortunately accustomed to crashing into things, and thus looks perfectly composed as he rolls back into the frame.]
Right, I believe there was also an essay due on Cocoaphan fauna, if you could pass those in as well-
Anyone who actually did that assignment is automatically failed. [Gin snaps, clearly losing his patience.] Teacher's Aide Stein, why don't you go sit in a corner and do something time consuming? Like contemplate the meaning of life?
[Stein blinks uncomprehendingly at Gin just long enough for it to become annoying.]
[He rolls off-frame obligingly, presumably to sit in the corner, and a creaking sound that those familiar with Stein will recognize as his screw turning can be heard.]
[Gin twitches.] WITHOUT THE FUCKING SCREW BULLSHI-! [The feed ends.]
[ooc: Class is in session. Gin is teaching the high-school portion of the students and Stein is his aide. Feel free to be in their class by mistake or if it suited your character's fancy. Also presume that these interactions are completely normal and occur everyday.
Edit: apparently when viewed from the main comm, edited text loses its coloring. Alas.]
dr. franken stein,