[The intercom clicks on! Guess what, Thor? It's that time again!]
Greetings, citizens and refugees! We're pleased to announce that not only has the Improbability Drive gone into effect, it also doesn't seem to be having any major effects, if you get my meaning! Ho ho ho!
The Thor is currently underway to its next destination! We'll let you know where that is as soon as we find out ourselves! In the mean time, sit back, relax, and enjoy a nice stack of pancakes!
...Who put these pancakes here?
[There's a muffled response, and then a startled squeak, and a different voice squeals excitedly into the microphone:]
It's Nannerpuss!
[At which point the feed cuts ominously.]
OOC Info:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about the Nannerpuss:
Nannerpuss is small, yellow and banana-like in appearance, and is probably one of the most misguided creatures in the Universe.
Originally created as a breakfast nanny by a group of Fathers Against Finicky Eating out of the Ihopian sector of the Flatcayke Galaxy, the Nannerpuss soon lost sight of its intended purpose of supporting healthy, wholesome breakfasts for young children after a run in with Sirius Cybernetics Corporation's Break-Your-Fast All-In-One At-Home-Eatery-Machine Machine. Due to the abrupt shift in mentality of the Nannerpuss population after discovering the pancake setting on the BYFAIOAHEMM the species as a whole is considered to be limitedly telepathic, and thoroughly unhinged, as well as the number one purchasers of permanent markers in the Flatcayke Galaxy.
Soon after maturation, the Nannerpuss finds itself a stack of pancakes to roost on, drawing itself a mustache in permanent marker while declaring itself a Nannerpuss, "I am a banana!" and then responding to any questions direct at it with the toss of pancakes, self-flagellation, and the removal of its right eye. Should the Nannerpuss find itself out of pancakes, it'll slither off in search of a BYFAIOAHEMM or Interuniversal House of Pancakes in order to once again take up its duties as dedicated breakfast nanny to the unwilling masses.
Reports of Nannerpusses used as gag jokes post-mortem remain unconfirmed.
And so, the great Nannerpuss Hunt Invasion begins! They're easy enough to ignore if you're not interested in participating, but damn are they annoying if you are! If you want to torment your character with one, keep in mind that they are inedible (as in, they're not actually bananas...although if your character still wants to try to eat one, they're welcome to go for it! 8D;). The pancakes on which the nannerpuss roost, on the other hand, are both perfectly edible and perfectly delicious. Your character may encounter the creatures in various stages of roosting, depending on your discretion; if you want pancakes flung at your character, either for consumption or for some other nefarious reason, go for it! A nannerpuss without a stack of pancakes may be irritable and difficult to handle, or limp and pliable like a dishrag. They're basically banana-shaped NPCs, so go nuts creating personalities and trivia for them!
The event will end sometime on the 30th, probably late evening/night EST.
Any questions about the event or what have you can go here! Hope you have fun, guys!