Okay, lets try again!
[Behold! Matthew's feed has clicked on due to a Nannerpuss touching it.
That is inaccurate.
It has clicked on because of roughly four hundred Nannerpussi forming a tentacle linked tidal wave of yellow and pancake brown, a long snake like shape. By flexing their weak little peelings in perfect unison, they flow across the ground, pancakes held beneath them in stacks to form caterpillar like legs, those at the front squirting delicious syrup to form sticky footholds.]
Close enough! One! Two! Three!
[The army of yellow freaks rears up from the front, rearranging itself half way to form a huge claw like shape, which wraps around an unfortunate alien, picking it up and slamming it to the ground in front of Matthew, who squats down to look it in the eye.]
From now on, instead of trying to kill them, you'll remember they belong to me, right?
[The alien sobs and babbles for a minute, before the ten year old slaps him lightly on the face.]
Okay. Let him go.
[The Nannerlegion rears up again, and this time throws the alien down the street with a
scream, before returning to its caterpillar formation.]
Alright, lets get some more pancakes for you.
[Matthew picks up his guide, still not noticing it is on, climbing onto the back of the semi-eldritch annoybmination which starts squishing its way off.]