Case 008: The Bored Detectives | [Text]

Feb 02, 2011 19:57

[The following two items are posted to the network separately. The first is an advertisement, posted to wherever the adverts on the network go.]

Consulting Detective Services

The famous detective, Sherlock Holmes, is available for consultation.

We provide a discreet and affordable service to private individuals and business customers.

If interested, please send a message with the particulars. We will review your case and contact you to let you know if we feel we can assist you.

[The second is a text post.]

To Whom It May Concern,

Sherlock Holmes is unquestionably a genius.

(I suppose I should be more specific. I mean the taller one. Not that the other one isn't a genius, he's just not the subject of this little essay.)

Sherlock has honed his powers of observation to an almost frightening level, and his deductive abilities are extraordinary. Before I met him, I wouldn't have believed that anyone could deduce so much information from one tiny detail.

It continues to amaze me how he can focus his mind on a problem to the exclusion of everything else (including eating and sleeping). He can take in someone's physical appearance and describe in great (and occasionally embarrassing) detail where they've been, who they were with, and what they were doing.

It's really quite amazing to watch. (Unless you're the person he's talking about.)

Just don't ask him how many planets there were in our solar system. (Actually you probably can ask him that, I think he's got it memorized by now.)


(( ooc: The first one is John's attempt to find something to keep Sherlock & Holmes from getting bored. The link goes to a post in John's journal and applies to both Sherlocks. If you have a plot in mind that could use a consulting detective (or two) just leave an IC comment on that post, and include any OOC details as needed. ICly, John will be reviewing all incoming messages and passing them on to Sherlock and Holmes.

And if you're wondering, #2 is because John lost a bet.))

john watson

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