[Look! it's a familiar blonde who's been well... missing. She's not in her own room, and she's smiling, cheerily, but also very confused. It seems she's taken residence in... oh god it that Suzaku in the bed?! well, his room, at least temporarily. He shifts in the bed behind her, and she giggles, fidgeting in a shirt that is presumably his as well. She waves innocently, like the fact she's been gone (IN SUZAKU'S ROOM?!) is no big deal at all. At least, not to her.]
Well, that was some kind of vacation~! Bonding all around, and I'm certainly refreshed. Sorry I forgot to tell everyone where I was going, especially after my very public freakout... Still I enjoyed my time with my... friend~ Even if I've become detached from the happenings on the ship. Where IS everyone?
And where are my friends? Kakashi, Miwako, even that little French girl Renge. Are you all still here?
[She's nervous, anxious, scared, but still smiling!]
Pip, and uh, Mr. Mitchell, I'm not sure what's happened while I was gone, and since we're together in close quarters, perhaps you could give me a heads up~? It would be easier that way, right?