Event end!

Mar 31, 2011 23:13

[The intercom switches on with no ceremony, as many of you may have begun to expect, and a squeaky voice begins speaking!]

Well, that was an exciting little blast from the past, wasn't it? Normality has resumed, thankfully, so the past can go right on back where it belongs and stay there.

The Thor has, unfortunately, sustained rather heavy damage from the aftershock of the Sigrun's explosion. We've entered orbit around the planet Duplego and will begin negotiating shortly for both new and salveged parts. Repairs are expected to take the better part of the month, unfortunately, so we will remain in orbit around Duplego for the duration. Shuttles planetside will commence tomorrow, should anyone be interested in visiting.

[At this point, a different speaker clears its throat and begins talking!]

A-and we've also finished decoding the Sigrun's black box! The captain left a message at the end explaining what happened, and...well, we're just going to play it for you instead of telling you! S-so, here it is! We're downloading it to your computers and guides for easier access. We hope this answers some of your questions!

[And with that, the intercom cuts off. Anyone interested in looking will find the following video file has been downloaded to their Guide:]


[There's a low hum as the video crackles to life. It's clear that the recording has seen some decay over the years, but after a few moments, the picture starts to grow clearer.]

[There are some sporadic voices. Mumbling, back and forth, though nothing of note can be discerned from the chatter. Curiously though, there is a rather tall man, standing at a control console. His back is to the camera, his strong, weather-worn hands clasped behind his back as he seems to be searching the stars for nothing in particular.]

[A throat clears, and the man turns to the camera.]

[He's an older man, no more than his late 40's. He stands with a sort of bearing, a posture that is proper and commanding of respect. He's broad-shouldered, but what is most striking is his face. If one doesn't pay attention, he can look like almost any nondescript gentleman. He has a strong jaw, a thick, well trimmed black beard and mustache that just happen to be lightly salted with age. His face is as weather worn as his hands, the creases in his skin are what betray his age the most. But most striking are his eyes. They are a deep cerulean, piercing really. They seem to be gazing far off into an unknown future, but still retain a certain luster.]

[The man is clothed in a white uniform, neatly pressed, and worn with pride. And atop the man's short, salt and pepper hair, is a white cap, similar to that of a military man.]

Ah, Captain...the camera is rolling, whenever you're ready.

[The man nods and steps forward.]

You may leave, then.

[There's a pause as whoever set up the camera leaves the bridge. The sound of a door cavuum sealing shut is the prompt for the message to finally begin:]

To...whomever should find this recording.

My name is Amadeus Volnar. [He bows humbly.] And I am the Captain of the S.S. Sigrun, flagship of the 12th Refugee Recovery Fleet. If you are finding this, then it is more than likely you are a member of the same fleet. Well met. [He salutes then, before continuing.]

Before I begin, I make a request: If you are a member of the fleet, I request that this message be broadcast on all channels, over all Guides to your refugees. This message is as much for them as it is for you.

To address the first point that many of you may be wondering, yes, I am human. My planet has long since been obliterated, much like the rest of you. I came to the Sigrun twenty years ago, much in the same fashion. I was presented a Guide and a towel, and was set upon to eke out a living here, aboard a ship sailing the infinite cosmos. My ascension to the rank of captain is hardly something I wish to bore you with. It's a rather unspectacular story. Rest assured, I merely worked hard and worked with my saviors whenever they requested my aid. I gained their trust, and became all the happier for it.

However, I will say that not everything is as it seems. As captain, it was my task to travel the various galaxies and rescue those fortunate enough to escape the destructions of their various worlds. This was my mission, and it is the very same mission given to your captains. They do this because they believe, we all believe, in the sanctity of life, and that we wish to see it continue on.

Not all people share this line of thinking.

[He removes his cap, and runs his hand through his neatly combed hair. His posture relaxes, like a man who is sharing a heavy burden.]

I am sure there are many questions regarding the fate of the Sigrun that you may have. I will do my best to answer them now, in hopes that I put your minds at ease. The fate of the Sigrun was our own doing. By 'our' I refer to the entire population of the Sigrun. We left of our own accord. Why? Why would we abandon our mission?

Because we discovered that, as a community, we were far happier chasing our own dreams, our own goals, rather than following mission after mission handed down by the upper echelon. We abandoned our mission for the sake of our own happiness, and it's a decision we have come to as a unit.

[He turns the camera so that it shows space beyond his window. What first might look like stars, are actually hundreds of thousands of personal transports, all leaving the Sigrun. Some go off on their own, but most of them? They fly as a community toward an unknown destination.]

We've chosen to live for ourselves, away from prying eyes.

To facilitate this decision, we are forcing an override on our ship's own Infinite Improbability Drive. In a few hours, the Drive will activate, and a spacial anomaly will occur. We do not know where the Sigrun will wind up, or when, for that matter. It will be transported through time and space...perhaps to the end of the universe. Our scientists cannot project the outcome.

As for why we chose to abandon our mission...there were a number of deciding factors. [Amadeus turns the camera back on himself.]

For starters, we grew wary of some of our orders. Project Gaia coming to mind at the top of the list. Our scientists were charged with finding a way to use genetic memory in conjunction with the Infinite Improbability Drive to try and recreate a world that had been destroyed. Some scientists tackled the task with abandon, but the general sentiment was felt throughout the crew.

We did not wish to play God.

On top of that...we were under threat of constant sabotage. Consider this a warning, to whomever should recover this recording: Beware the Purists. They are a radical faction who are under the impression that our mission is deemed a mistake by a higher power. They believe the worlds are being destroyed for a reason, that the refugees we are risking our very lives to save should not be allowed the right to exist. That they are a universal glitch, and that their very existence is the reason why more worlds are destroyed every day.

I do not believe such is the case. I believe something else is at work, though I know not what...

[Amadeus replaces his cap and stands straight once more.]

I wish to end this log with one final message, in hopes that somewhere, someday, it will reach the ears of those who need it.

Magrathea exists.

We have not found it, though we have found signs of it. But it is real. Your homes, your birthplaces, your lives, they can all be reclaimed. They are all there for the taking, so long as you can dream of it, so long as you continue to work towards making it so.

In the infinite expanse of space, dreams are only limited by your own barriers. Break them. And find what we could not.

[There's a considerable pause, the brim of his hat obscuring his eyes. For a moment, he appears to be...regretting. But the moment passes and he salutes the camera once more.]

I encourage you to do as you see fit with this message, in hopes that it sheds some light on the universe around you.

This is Captain Amadeus Volnar of the S.S. Sigrun, officially retiring myself, and my vessel from active duty. I thank you all for the privilege of commanding such a fine ship, and I thank you all for the limitless opportunities given to me by the crew.

[Amadeus lowers his head, obscuring his eyes once more. A wry smile creases his lips, and his voice takes on a haughtier, happier tone.]

So long...

And thanks for all the fish.


OOC Info:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about the planet Duplego:

An artificial planet, possibly constructed when Magrathea was operational. It’s very small, roughly the same size as Pluto, though it’s grown larger since its creation as more base materials have been added. The atmosphere is artificial, and the climate feels air-conditioned, with most of the heat coming from the planet’s core rather than the sun. The planet is inhabited entirely by robots, known for their diminutive stature, yellow surface paint and hands shaped like clamps. Accommodations have been made to allow organic lifeforms to visit, though it’s recommended you pack your own lunch: all food served here is freeze-dried, and the water tastes strongly of chlorine.

The planet is roughly shaped like a giant cube. On one side, it has four circular terminals the size of small cities, which are all large enough to be seen from space: the spaceport where visiting ships dock, the embassy for organics, the robot parliament, and the main production plant.

The other five sides of the planet are a giant junkyard. There is no monetary system on the planet, and the ground is littered with parts to be used and shared by all. These parts are designed to fit together in almost any possible way, making construction and destruction are incredibly easy -- a literal snap! So long as you don’t try to take anything off the planet, you can go ahead and build a house without a permit or construct your dream car. Just don’t be surprised if someone starts taking your hard work apart for materials for their own next big project!

This communal system has some interesting side effects. For example, it’s recommended that you keep a hand on your possessions: the robots have it programmed into their systems that the guides are not part of their planet’s materials, but they might easily mistake your other belongings for base parts and steal things from you, particularly anything made of plastic, metal or glass. If they do, expect to see it become part of a mobile suit or a death ray.

Also, there’s a small number of homeless refugees living on the planet, taking advantage of the fact that the cost of living is free. They’ve been living among robots, sustaining themselves on chlorinated water and freeze-dried fruit, so don’t be surprised if they seem a little... off.

Now, on the other hand, if you want to take something off the planet, you must leave something of roughly equal base material value, or you will be stopped by the Spider Wrap Security Devices -- that is, little robots that look like spiders will wrap their legs around your head and attack your face until you drop whatever you’re trying to take. However, because the robots don’t factor in production costs, visitors can exploit this planet’s exchange system to get obscene deals on high-end technology. You can bring them bundles of soup cans and receive laser weaponry and flying scooters. Because of this, it’s a popular planet for recycling, as ships can dispose of their leftover plastic, metal and glass, and get repairs and upgrades in exchange. (On the other hand, they have no use for your non-recyclable garbage, so don’t even ask.)

The robots residing on Duplego build some of the best ships in the universe. They also build all of the worst ships in the universe, because they will gladly assemble any design you give them, even if it can’t make it out of the hangar. If you want a ship made of guns, they will make you a ship made of guns. This extends to other commissioned work as well: If you want a gun made of knives, they will make you a gun made of knives, though whether or not it can actually be fired is up for debate.

Duplego stats:
Suns: 1, small (very distant), ice-blue
Sky color: Pale yellow to dark blue
Day length: Duplego is tidally locked, so one side of the planet - the side containing the space-port - constantly faces the sun. The four quadrants immediately adjacent to the space-port side are in perpetual twilight - though with the abundant amount of artificial lighting, it's not particularly noticable. The side opposite the space-port is in perpetual night though, again, there is plenty of artificial lighting.
Climate: Air-conditioned and temperature controlled.
Largest city: n/a
Chief attractions: Piles of salvage
Places to avoid: Two Bit Al's Nut and Bolt Emporium

Miscellaneous announcements:

× All members of officially sanctioned and recognized Salvage Teams will receive handcrafted medals of honor for going above and beyond the refugee call of duty. They are individually numbered, come with a certificate of authenticity (signed by the captains themselves!) and are three easy payments of only $19.95

× As thanks for risking your lives, those who also signed up are set to receive a room upgrade, free of charge, one time only. Just comment to the room upgrade list and make sure you note in the Subject Header that you are redeeming your room upgrade voucher!

× The roarin' fifties are over, everyone! Don't let that stop you from backtagging, though!

× Feel free to expand on the history, culture, and current political condition of our newest planet! The description we give you guys is just a starting point - remember, culture, history, and population vary from location to location, so if two characters go to two different places and have wildly different experiences, it's complementary, not contradictory! Planets are huge places, so there should be little fear of stepping on someone's toes!

× Another Activity reminder! March is now officially over, and we start checking the AC post on the 7th, so if you've met March activity and haven't posted it yet, now's a great time to do it!

× The bi-monthly game-wide plot spam post will go up on the 15th.

× With a little luck, we'll have missions posted tomorrow!

× And lastly, because we realize the timing for this end-plot post is hugely unfortunate, we want to straight up say that everything you just read should be taken at face value - there are no April Fools Day shennanigans in this post.

!mod post

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