1) The S.S. Thor needs high-voltage wire maintenance crews . [Slots: 4] [Pay: Minimum]
2) The S.S. Thor needs elevator scrubbers and disinfectors. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3) The SS Thor needs rose painting crews. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
4) The SS Thor needs creepy stalkers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) The SS Thor needs trash compactors. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) The S.S. Thor needs gardeners for spring planting time. Slots: [5] Pay: [College Degree]
7) The SS Thor needs fire alarm testers. Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
1) Antonio's Liger Farm needs liger deliverypersons - Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
2) The Lightning Post needs someone to deliver the paper. Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
3) The S.S. Thor Museum of Everything needs recordings of the most overplayed songs in existence [Slots: 4] [Pay: Somewhat Decent]
4) WockaWocka Tomato Farms needs tomato deliverers. Slots: [6] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) SteamyFizz Hot Tubs needs delivery/installation staff. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
1) Gramma's Wholesome Oatmeal Cookies needs cookie bakers. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Slider Castle Burgers needs short order cooks. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Nietzsche's Nihilist Cafe needs philosophical dishwashers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
4) Nietzsche's Nihilist Cafe needs tragically hip and intellectual busboys/girls. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) Lotsa Matzoh needs matzoh bakers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) The Fondue Pot needs waitstaff. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
7) Harpy Burgers needs harpy hunters. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
8) Garfylakkd's Dragon Cuisine needs chefs. Slots [5] Pay: [College Degree]
9) Nietzsche's Nihilist Cafe needs metaphysical waitstaff to debate with customers. Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
10) Lalalalalala-sagna needs lasagna designer and bakers. Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO Level]
Sales and Retail
1) Angel Fresh air freshener needs product demonstrators and sales reps. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Angel Fresh carpet cleaner needs product demonstrators. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Danes are Great needs Great Dane sales staff. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
4) That's My Cheese needs cheese telemarketers. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) It's Not Baroque needs sales of their pre-modern period costumes. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) Shake Your Groove Thing needs discoball telemarketers. Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
7) Docking Bay 11 Home Decor Imports is hiring sales representatives. Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
8) Jump n' Jive needs swing dance clothing models and sales staff. Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO Level]
Health and Safety
1) The SS Thor needs harpy exterminators. [Slots: 4] [Pay: Minimum]
2) St. Xlaxxyr Memorial Hospital needs hot nurses. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Residents Against Refugees needs protesters. Slots: [7] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4) Protect the Humans needs fungus detectors. [Slots: 5] [Pay: Somewhat Decent]
5) PETA needs liger trafficking protestors and saboteurs. Use any means necessary to stop this inhumane trade! [Slots: 6] [Pay: Somewhat Decent]
6) St. Xlaxxyr Memorial Hospital needs sarcastic doctors. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
7) St. Xlaxxyr Memorial Hospital needs baby deliverers. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
8) Thor for Thorians Society is in search of intimidation agents to randomly card refugees. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
9) Thor for Thorians Society is in search of writers to spread the word about the threat posed by the hoards of refugees coming into this fine ship. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
10) The SS Thor Free Clinic needs counselors to lead harpy parent support groups. Slots: [6] Pay: [CEO Level]
11) The SS Thor needs filthy festering fetid fungi-filled fish tank cleaners. [Slots: 4] [Pay: CEO Level]
Culture and Couture
1) Miss Martha's Homemaking Magazine needs chefs to demonstrate recipes. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Miss Martha's Homemaking Magazine needs bedroom designers. Slots: [2] Pay: [Minimum]
3) McFly Hoverboards needs hoverboard painters. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
4) Ride Em Cowboy needs racy western wear designers- Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) Big Ballin' Sporting Goods needs hip salesmen who got game and can back it up- Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) Space Chic Magazine needs writers/photographers for their "Best Dressed of the Week" column. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
7) Lonely Hearts Dating Service needs matchmakers. Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO Level]
1) The S.S. Thor needs primary school students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for children 12 and under only!] Pay: [Minimum]
2) The S.S. Thor needs high school students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for children 13 - 18 only!] Pay: [Minimum]
3) The S.S. Thor needs university students. Slots: [***SPECIAL: Unlimited - for adults age 18+ only!] Pay: [Minimum]
4) The S.S. Thor needs teacher's aides. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
5) The S.S. Thor needs Day-Care Sitters. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) The S.S. Thor needs a school nurse. Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
7) The S.S. Thor needs primary school teachers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
8) The S.S. Thor needs high school teachers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
9) The Seen Library needs librarians. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
10) The S.S. Thor needs college professors. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
1) Sunday Night Laughs needs comedians for a sketch comedy show with tired jokes. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Zeke's Fishin' Hole o' Fun needs fish stockers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Kecce's Palace Casino needs dealers. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4) SS Thor Idol needs stylish singers. Slots: [8] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) The Kissing Booth in the Recreation Area needs Hot Kissers - Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
7) Thor Community College needs trick snowboarders- Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO Level]
Arts, Travel, and Humanities
1) The Snow Globe needs animals who can do amazing tricks. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Thor Community College needs actors for their production of The Zarkglask Who Loved Me- Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3 Thor Community College needs costume designers for The Zarkglask Who Loved Me - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
4 Thor Community College needs belly dancers for The Zarkglask Who Loved Me - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
5) The SS Thor Fund for the Arts is looking for fine artists to create sculptures from trash and found objects. Slots: [4] Pay: [CEO Wage Level]
News, Media, and Publishing
1) I Love Wieners Magazine is looking for photographers to take pictures of dachshunds. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum]
2) Gramma's Wholesome Oatmeal Cookies needs writers to publish false positive product reviews to mask February's rat feces scandal. Slots: [5] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Channel 3 needs sportscasters. Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4) I Love Junk needs reporting done on the best junk found by refugees. Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) TMI Papparazzi Inc. will pay big money for embarrassing photos or information obtained on any refugees. Slots: [4] Pay: [College Degree]
6) Law & Punishment Publishers needs crime novel writers. Slots: [2] Pay: [CEO Level]
Science, Research, and Testing
1) The SS Thor needsflubber floaters- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
2) WockaWocka Tomato Farms needs sentient tomato feeders - Slots: [4] Pay: [Minimum]
3) Harpy Burgers needs Harpy Meal (tm) toy designers. Slots: [4] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4) SS Thor Labs needs you to shove crayons up your nose. - Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5) Mysteries of the Unexplained needs trasheater beast hunters. Slots: [6] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
6) Science Society Ltd. needs researchers to prove once and for all that angels and demons do not exist. - Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree]
7) Happy Family Clinic needs surrogate mothers for baby harpies - Slots: [7] Pay: [College Degree]
8) SS Thor Labs needs scientists to test the safety of newly developed cosmetic products- Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO Level]
9) SS Thor Labs needs cosmetic product test subjects- Slots: [3] Pay: [CEO Level]
Physical Labor/Tourism
1) The SS Thor needs broken glass recyclers- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
2) The SS Thor needs screw and nail collectors- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
3) The SS Thor needs plastic melters- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
4) The SS Thor needs rust removers- Slots: [6] Pay: [Minimum]
5) The SS Thor needs aluminum recovery specialists- Slots: [6] Pay: [Somewhat Decent
6) The SS Thor needs metal sorters- Slots: [6] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
7) The SS Thor needs label peelers and sticker removers- Slots: [6] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
8) The SS Thor needs microchip removers- Slots: [6] Pay: [College Degree]
9) The SS Thor needs repulsorlift engine part sorters- Slots: [6] Pay: [College Degree]
10) The SS Thor needs disc resurfacers- Slots: [6] Pay: [College Degree]
11) The SS Thor needs transwarp drive repairers- Slots: [6] Pay: [College Degree]
12) The SS Thor needs illithastium crystal recoverers- Slots: [6] Pay: [CEO Wage]
13) The SS Thor needs electromagnetic crane operators- Slots: [2] Pay: [CEO Wage]
Special Mission:
motherofthesun is hiring!
Kamiki Art School needs teacher's assistants to help with this month's sewing course. Slots: [3] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
holmes_blogger is hiring!
1.) The Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic needs janitors. Slots: [1] Pay: [Minimum]
2.) The Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic needs orderlies. Slots: [2] Pay: [Minimum]
3.) The Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic needs nurses. Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4.) The Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic needs interns. Slots: [2] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
5.) The Refugee's Haven Medical Clinic needs reception staff. Slots: [1] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
sturmnbatarangs is hiring!
1.) Wayne Enterprises needs doormen to be friendly and cheerful at the door. Slots: [1] Pay: [Minimum Wage]
2.) Wayne Enterprises needs secretaries. Slots: [3] Pay: [Minimum Wage]
3.) Wayne Enterprises needs test subjects. Slots: [5] Pay: [Somewhat Decent]
4.) Wayne Enterprises needs janitors. Slots: [3] Pay: [College Degree Wage]
***SPECIAL MISSIONS - These jobs come with a PC employer! Get in touch with the players in charge for workplace shenannigans!
The missions will be posted on every floor of the S.S. Thor and can also be found in the Lightning Post for those already subscribing, as well as on the network. Unless otherwise stated it's first come first serve, so just reply to the right comment below and you'll get it! However, to make sure everyone has a chance to get a mission, you have to wait until Tuesday April 5th before you can apply for a second one.
To see what the requirements are for applying for Somewhat Decent, College Degree, and CEO level Wages, go
here, and make sure you comment if you want the promotion!
Each mission lasts a month, and the paycheck will be handed out after the mission has been completed.
For those characters (and muns) who appreciate a bit more stability in their life, we have a
Permanent Jobs Listing. If you're interested in pursuing this, please read all the instructions carefully before applying.
Replies will be in character. Please wait until all the jobs have been listed before commenting. Start a new thread for any OOC questions. And keep spam to a minimum! (