Apr 03, 2011 13:33
Voila! It is on! [Waka sits some distance from the communicator, beaming at his potential audience.] Bonjour, mes amis. My name is Waka. I would've liked to have a more formal introduction but I do have some pressing concerns. [And here, Waka makes a close up to the camera.]
Amaterasu, ma cherie, if you are here, I have a very important message. [And then Waka blows a kiss to the communicator. Chuu~ You can pratically see the hearts around him.] Don't let me be without you too long, now that we're reunited! Ha ha ha! ♥ We also have some things about Nippon we'll have to oversee, too.
Ah. And to the denizens of Thor, if you could please direct me to a clothing shop? It seems lasers do not agree well with my shirt. Or with anything else on this poor prophet, really.