[Hey, you. You know how you were just on your way to do something? Better reschedule. Why?
A hamster ball, complete with hamster inside, just fell out of the air-vent and hit you on the forehead.]
[ooc: Minako's confrontation with Aphrodite didn't go very well. :3c Replies will come from
[Suddenly, face full of something round and hard. Springing back she crouches down, looking warily at the ball that had it her as it rolls to a stop. She is... tempted to bat at it, but restrains the cat instinct for the moment, waiting, tail twitching.]
[... little animal instincts are a go. she freezes in terror at the sight of the cat.]
If you cannot speak, then I wonder if you would understand me when I tell you to run. I would certainly not eat you, but you do look most amusing to play with.
LATER CAT, she's taking off down the hall as fast as she can.]
The rodent in the ball is not nearly as fast as her, and she bats at it with her paw. Don't be too alarmed, 'tis just a game~]
But never mind that.
As the ball rolls along the wall she pads along after it. When it slows down she pounces upon it and holds it in her forepaws. Peering inside she checks on the status of it's little occupant.]
[But looking at the thing, she can't help but feel a little sorry for it. Even if it is a rodent.
Well, then. Consider that payback for having crashed into her face.]
Mmm. What to do with you now?
[she could not eat her and let her go?]
This would be so much easier if you could speak properly. If you are not a cursed human, how am I to know you won't run off and start populating the ship, eventually ending up in my belongings and crawling over me at night?
[She pauses, looking at the thing critically. It was a rodent who squeaked, yet it could understand her.]
Are you a cursed human?
I see. In good conscience I cannot detain you any further then. [She takes her paws off the ball, but still peers at the rodent.]
Aphrodite did this to you?
I'm sorry to hear that, dear. I'm certain that justice will be done to her, however.
Having cursed so many people, she will not be able to evade forever.
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