[The following is written in blue text, and coming from an unidentifiable source-- the username scrambled and indecipherable]
Good evening, Refugees.
Here's a present for you all. Information on the Purists.
For those who just arrived: the Purists are currently attempting to get rid of all of you. They don't believe that you have the right to exist here. That the Thor should only belong to citizens.
Well, I believe otherwise.
I'll also be forwarding this information to the captains. See if they can do something about it.
If you have questions, ask them and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.
If you have further information, let me know. The more we have on these bigots, the better.
The post is secure. Your identity will be kept secret.
Thank you.
- P
- Anti-Refugee sentiment is growing quickly. It's still relatively small in comparison to the population of the ship, but spreading enough to take notice.
- Rumors are being spread secretly. Covert action. No large scale protests.
- The Purists are a group driven by one cause operating in separate factions.
- Each faction has a leader. Different races. No names or genders given. All leaders rank in the Purist hierarchy.
- Fights occur between the factions often, similar to gang wars. No casualties save on two separate occasions: Harth'gar Grie and Manada Locin. Both refugees. Both with processing citizenships. Several other casualties cited, but not verified. All names from refugee records.
- Unmarked packages have been allowed to travel through the mail systems. The name for each is the same. Assumed pseudonym. All relevant information is wiped from official documents. Inside jobs.
- Cult-like behind the scenes action. Only official information is scarce at best. Easy to deny existence. Hard to separate fact from fiction. Previous information verified as fact.
[OKAY SO. Just as Garrus said, the post is secure and each thread is screened ICly, so your characters' info won't get out! This is also the place to offer help if you're so inclined! Also assume Garrus is completely anonymous-- he's scrambled all his info. If there's anything else, I'll update the post as needed! Until then, have fun with the info!]