Nov 16, 2009 19:48
[When the recording starts, it's a bit shaky at first, but after a few seconds it finally comes back into focus. Luca can be seen, sitting by himself and being sort of emo because none of his friends are there and he doesn't know if they're okay.]
I hope everyone else is all right. I can't find them here, even though I've looked around a lot. They might be somewhere I haven't looked yet.
[He looks down thoughtfully, thinking about where he hasn't been just yet.]
... Where else could they be? I've searched everywhere that I could possibly go.
[But before Luca can even think of continuing that train of thought, some of his animal friends from home come wandering in - a chick, cat, dog, and bunny can all be seen. He automatically gets up and moves closer to them, and he's ready to dere with the best of them. He looks extremely happy, and he's smiling and all that fun stuff! He makes a point to look them over.]
You're all okay! That's good, you guys. I was worried about you, too! You all seem to be in really good condition, and I'm glad you are. Maybe we can all play later, once I can learn more about this place. Stay by me, alright? I'll keep you all safe.
[And that's when he turns his head, staring straight into the camera. It takes a second, but he gets up and hurries to the thing to turn it off. The last thing that can be seen before the recording is switched off is his flustered looking face.]
luca nogi