[Oh hey, it's everyone's favourite beastloli. What is she going to embarrass herself with this--]
[There's an almost feral growl that increases in volume until it's almost a scream]
[Oh, she's raging. And she's panting. And even from the audio, you can tell she's been injured. Her voice is strained from the pain but high and boy is she
Read more... )
I only backed out because you were losing so bad I felt sorry for you!
[Anise sounds fairly worn out herself, suggesting that the fight didn't go as well for her as she's claiming. Also, threadhopping is welcome!]
What did you do!?
[He loves you Anise, but no one hurts his beast loli.]
I don't care who started it. Is she... are both of you okay?
S-sorry. I'm not mad at you... Okay I'm mad at both of you. It doesn't matter. Where did you leave her? I need to go heal her.
... where are you too? I want to heal you too. I'm not gonna teel her where you are. You're both my friends. I don't want either of you to get hurt.
[She's not too happy about getting scolded, but she can't really argue with Hope wanting to help them out. She retreated since she didn't want things to get uglier than they already were, after all.]
We fought on the fourth floor on the Thor, around the residences there. I'm not sure if she's still there, though.
... I'm on the seventh floor.
I'll go find her. With the condition you left her in, it doesn't sound like she can even move.
[Okay, that sounded more accusatory than he wanted, so have an apologetic look.]
If you're still there after I heal her, I'll take care of you. My new room is 7-6 with Xion. I understand if you don't trust me, but if you want someplace safe to stay until she calms down, you can hide out there. I won't let her in.
... Anyway, um... that'd be great, actually.
[There's a sound of shuffling as she pulls herself to her feet, and then footsteps as she starts to look for the room.]
Why do two of my best friends want to kill each other?
[He said he was going go to Arietta first, but he'll wait for her and heal her when she gets here.]
... Oh, and I'm here.
[There's a knock at Hope's door.]
Here, come inside. Are you hurt?
Just a little. I don't think anything's broken.
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