[For moment, it is almost like the Guide had been switched to voice mode, because only a warm shade of lavender fills the screen. Midii can be heard having a discussion with an unknown individual, her voice oddly calm and business-like for her young age.]
--the last time, little girl, I am severely disappointed. Your job was to deliver the updated
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[Aww yeah. Informant buddies looking out for each other!]
What do you mean by that?
If I didn't know better, I'd think you had hacked into the homing pin Lady Une gave me, or something.
But now that I know you got one, I can totally hack that too.
[This GUIDE self-activation business was definitely something she'd have to look further into; while it ultimately proved helpful this time, there would no doubt me moments in the future that she would wish to keep private from the rest of the ship.]
[In the meantime...]
Why would even want to hack my pin, anyway?
I don't know. You brought it up in the first place.
I didn't tell you to hack it!
I didn't even hack it yet! I didn't say I was actually going to!
That's what it sounded like to me.
You just mentioned it and I said I could. I didn't say I would.
I apologize. I guess I'm still a little nervous when it comes to privacy issues.
[His utility belt is actually in one of the sleeves of his jacket. This is canon too.]
I do the same thing, actually. Habit from constantly traveling from place to place. You kept what you could carry, essentially.
[And they say Superman's the boy scout. "Be Prepared" and all that...]
Always be prepared. Expect the unexpected. I guess we both had that drilled into their heads.
[Never leave without it!]
[She's slowly starting to piece together the puzzle.]
Among other things.
[It's not too hard of a puzzle, until you try to hit the core of everything.]
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