Perfume Plot is a go.]]
[Dick got through the day fine. At some point he accidentally broke some perfume bottle that was lying around. That solved the whole mystery of Ritsuka's box and its contents. He didn't think much of it, other then it smelled strongly of the beach and cleaning it up so no one else hurt themselves.
How was he supposed to know the perfume would do weird things?
And of course these Guides love turning on. Only audio this time though. It wouldn't have mattered, with the room being dark since Robin was sleeping.
Not so well, if the constantly rustling of sheets as he tosses and turns was an indication. Or maybe the groaning and moaning and whimpering even.
There's a sudden shout. If you're in the general area or in Room 3-3, then you probably heard it. You only hear heavy breathing for a minute or two.]
What the heck?
[Feed cuts off after Robin scrambles for his Guide.]