Jul 05, 2011 13:50
Good afternoon, everyone.
It is my pleasure to once again cordially invite all of you to attend a production of the Royal Oak Theater Company. "A Dozen Coloured Leaves" will be playing from July the 8th until July the 20th.
The story is a fanciful comedy with a bit of a twist - I dare not say much more for fear of spoiling the surprise. [*wink*]
For tickets, kindly inquire to the Royal Oak Theatre. Do enjoy the show!
[[The theater is one of the most high-end human theaters on-board, and tickets might run you a pretty penny credit. Unless you sit far in the back along the wall. But hey, you still get to see the show!
Irene has sent some fine complimentary tickets as gifts to some people:
Anyone who helped her move house: Yes, Irene is in a new place, yay! I've pretty much hand-waved the whole moving thing, but if you are an acquaintance of Irene's and felt like coming to help her move, consider yourself gifted with a ticket to the opera.
John: Who will always get a ticket~
Holmes: As arranged, a ticket to opening night. (Wear a jacket.)
Sherlock: Just because it amuses her to do so.
Annnd, just tell me if I forgot someone?]]
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