Sep 19, 2011 14:19
Man... It's been pretty ugly playing catch up with school, but I think I'm finally caught up!
[she raises her arms over her head and right when she's about to let out a yawn -- there's a huge PIIIIGGGG SQUUUEEAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL]
[maka quickly covers her mouth, looking absolute shocked because that never happened before. there's a moment of silence for a second or two and then there's a muffled hiccup from her with her eyes growing even larger.]
[finally, she uncovers her mouth and glances down at the floor. in her rolling chair, she scoots off to the left, bends down, and reveals to the viewers a piggie tail!]
Is this...?
[maka takes a closer look at it. yep, this is definitely hers!]
It came off. Does that mean...? -- It's over?
[she looks as if she's about to scream in glee, but then she realizes something.]
Wait. I could still be...
[maka looks back at the guide and then says;]
Quick! Someone insult me!
[and after noticing what she just said, she waves her hands defensively.] -- Wait, wait. Scratch that. Don't insult me. Say, uh... -- Say something that would usually make me angry.
[because huffy = oinky.]
maka albarn