[A cheerful kazoo fanfare accompanies the sound of the intercom switching on, and one of the captains begins to speak!]
Normality has been restored! I repeat, Normality is restored! Anything you are unable to handle from this point on is entirely your own problem!
With that said, it seems we've arrived in the sparkling Konami System! We've entered orbit around the lovely planet Konami VI, and shuttles will begin running tomorrow for all residents who are interested in visiting! Have a fun month, everyone!
[Another small fanfare, and the intercom clicks off.]
OOC Info:
So, as the Captain so diplomatically put it, the De-aging Event is over! As always, don't let that stop you from backtagging to your heart's content.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about Konami VI:
Konami VI is a small, homely planet that was once famous for its booming tourism industry. People from all over the galaxy would flock to its resorts, and spend weeks there doing nothing but relax. It was one of the most prosperous planets in the Konami System, but lately the industry has slowed down due to unknown reasons.
An unsettling haze has settled over the planet since its golden age, and ghost stories have come with it. Residents claim that an increasing amount of strange creatures roam the land. Most appear to be hostile, and even more there have been disappearances and other weird happenings. Whether or not any of this is true is still up in the air, but the news of a haunted planet has brought tourism back in!
1. Editor's note: Due to the mysterious disappearance of our correspondent and extreme time-constraints on the editing staff, we have been obliged to publish the latest version of the incomplete article that was submitted to us rather than leave it out entirely.
Konami VI stats:
Suns: 1, pale yellow, usually hidden behind dark grey clouds
Moons: 1, small, white, and has a tendency to loom ominously in the sky at night
Sky color: Overcast
Day length: 5 standard hours...the nights last a lot longer, though...
Climate: A bit on the chilly side in most places, almost always overcast, and often foggy and rainy.
Largest city: Silent Hill
Chief attractions: Reticent, down-trodden locals, poor weather, and MONSTERS.
Okay, yeah, it's October, and this month's planet is TOTALLY SILENT HILL-THEMED, YEAAAAAH! Go down and have fun, but remember to watch out for Pyramid Head! (If you ask real nice he might let you take a souvenir photo with him!)
Miscellaneous Announcements:
× If you want your character to get a room upgrade or a wage increase, don't forget to comment
here! × We're aiming to have the missions post up and running at around this same time tomorrow night.
× We've got some plans for you guys for next weekend, and we'll be telling you all about them on the 4th, so keep an eye on the OOC comm for that. :D
Cheers, everyone!