o n e || accidental video

Nov 14, 2011 15:59

[ The video comes on before Aang even realizes it. He has been, and still is, punching buttons on his communicator. He flops down on Appa, using the bison's fur to support his chin while he examines the communicator he's holding with both of his hands. The position offers a nice view of his face. ]What a waste! I don't even want to learn how to ( Read more... )


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1/? deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:06:12 UTC


deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:08:22 UTC
[ Well, he was right about one thing. Katara being here meant Aang was here, too. But just like Katara and Suki, Aang had slipped right under his radar. ]


deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:10:53 UTC
[ But seeing Aang so depressed is rather shocking. He obviously understands -why- Aang is so upset, but... It's still unsettling. Zuko had gotten used to Aang's upbeat attitude both before and after joining the group. ]


[video] done! deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:11:35 UTC
[ Zuko will just have to try to fix that. ]

We're not all gone, Aang.


[video] 1/...? 100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:19:47 UTC


100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:21:08 UTC
[ Wait... ]

I could be hallucinating. Maybe sleep deprivation has already gotten to me.


[video] done 100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:22:07 UTC
Are you even real? [ Staring at the guide. It's no lie that hearing his friend's voice has lifted his spirit. ]


[video] deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:25:53 UTC
Do I look like a hallucination to you?

[ He debates on whether or not that was a stupid question. Kind of leaning toward yes.... ]

Look. Katara's here. Suki, too. I don't know the whereabouts of anyone else, but that doesn't mean they're gone.


[video] 100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:29:55 UTC
Katara's here!?


[video] 100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:31:46 UTC
I mean-- That's great! Suki too, huh?

Did you guys hear that? [ Appa's spirits are also higher. ]

That's it though... where do you think they are? If they're not here.


[video] deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:36:00 UTC
They could be anywhere. Word has it there are other ships out there just like this one, so it's fair to say other people from our world might be on those ships. But there's no way for us to contact them.

And we don't all arrive here at the same time. I've been here a month, but it looks like you, Katara and Suki arrived within a few days of each other.


So don't just give into despair like that.


[video] 100yearsgone November 14 2011, 23:45:22 UTC
Really? [ And that makes Aang feel much, much better. Still, he can't imagine everyone on the planet made it out like they did. What if they were all that's left from their home?

Aang closes his eyes and shakes his head. ] You're right.

I guess I should go to my room then... [ Can you tell how much he wants to? ] But I don't want to leave Appa.


[video] deconflagration November 14 2011, 23:51:53 UTC
No one said you had to leave Appa.


[video] 100yearsgone November 15 2011, 00:04:00 UTC
Are you going to come down here then? Appa has to stay in the hangar.


[video] deconflagration November 15 2011, 00:12:31 UTC
[ . . . . ]

All right.

[ But only because he missed Aang and he's relieved the little arrowhead isn't dead. ]

Sorry about him not fitting into the rooms though. But... at least he came with you, right? And Momo, too.

[ Okay. Zuko's going to redeem himself. Onwards, to the journey to use his tracking skills to find Aang! ]


[video] 100yearsgone November 15 2011, 00:21:00 UTC
Yeah. I don't know what I would have done if they weren't.

Do you think he'll be safe in here? When I am eventually forced to leave? [ He whispers the last part to spare Appa's feelings. ]


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