Nov 17, 2011 21:05
[Castiel is onscreen, frowning. He's in his room, standing next to a very large harp from the orchestra. (How did he get that back to his room? Angel mojo.)]
Does anyone know how to play this instrument? Contrary to popular belief, angels do not sit on clouds playing harps.
[ Private to Gin & Chihaya: ]
Dean is gone again.
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I'm so sorry, Castiel...
I suppose I should be pleased that he is most likely back with his brother, where he would prefer to be.
[Just a little bitter there.]
To be pleased, I mean. It's okay to miss him.
I thought we might be able to overcome our disagreements and repair our friendship, but there wasn't time.
But, in the meantime, why not practice what you want to say to him for when he comes back?
I've gone over it before to myself, but knowing Dean he would somehow manage to derail all my arguments before I even start.
[That's heavy sarcasm, but then he gets serious again.]
He thinks I betrayed his trust, and unfortunately I can't say he's wrong about that.
I was working with the new demon king of Hell to find Purgatory. I needed the souls of those in Purgatory so that I would be strong enough to face Raphael and prevent him from starting the Apocalypse all over again.
[Okay, Chihaya, we can't judge... no judging... noooo judging...]
I... can see why Dean would be upset about that.
I know. But I was only doing what had to be done. If I had not, Raphael would have simply destroyed me and brought about the Apocalypse.
At the time he was no longer a hunter. He had chosen to live a normal life and not involve himself in the supernatural. I did not wish to disturb that life.
[There's a long pause where Chihaya doesn't look directly at the camera. His lips purse, and his eyebrows furrow, clearly mulling over what Castiel's said.]
...Honestly, I think I would've done the same, if I were in your shoes.
It was not the best solution, I know, but it was the only option I had at the time.
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