[The feed kicks on with the merry jingle of
an annoying Christmas classic and sloooowly scrolls up the majestic giant robot that is Wing Zero, which has been decked out from toe to head in cheerful blinking Christmas lights.]
[How anyone found enough time to do this without being caught in the middle of such an obviously time-consuming operation is anyone's guess. However, the evidence is plain that someone has managed, and managed spectacularly, if he does say so himself. Which of course he does.]
[The music continues playing in the background as Duo speaks, though the video remains on the blinking, Christmassy majesty that is Wing Zero]
Merry ChristmaHanukKwanzaa! I hope everyone's doing well. I know I am!
Probably not for much longer, heh. If I suddenly disappear and turn up dead a week later in a broom closet somewhere, this is why and you know who to blame.
[He goes quiet then and lets the annoying Christmas song reach its classic finish, giving anyone watching ample opportunity to admire his handiwork before cutting the feed.]