(no subject)

Aug 30, 2009 02:17

Room upgrades and mission promotions!

You've all probably wondered how the room upgrades and mission promotions work. It's very simple. If your character meets the qualifications, and you want them to get better rooms or missions, you just comment here with their name, username and fandom, as well as their previous room or mission level, to let us know.

These qualifications are:

Rooming arrangements

× To upgrade to the Deckswabbers, they need Minimum Wage; to upgrade to the Condos, they need at least Somewhat Decent Wage, etc.

× They need to have worked at this level for at least a month. That is, if they're careful with money.

× If they waste their money, they'll need to have worked for at least one more month. That detail is up to you.

× Certain characters might be able to get around this, due to mysterious magical abilities or similar. If you think this might apply, ask us.

Mission levels

× To get a mission with a Somewhat Decent Wage, you need to have successfully completed at least one mission previously.

× You'll need to have worked on this mission for the full month.

× Up to three days absence is permitted, as long as you can prove that you were sick or injured during that time, or have some other valid excuse.

× But if your employer didn't like you, it doesn't matter how great you were at your job anyway.

× Most people need to complete two missions before receiving this promotion; only the best workers get it right away.

× Keep in mind: Just because your character has received a promotion, doesn't mean they can't apply for a Minimum Wage mission if they want to.

We'll go into how to get the even better missions later. So far, no one can be promoted to that level, though. And we're still perfecting these systems, so if anyone's got any suggestions, comment here or to the Event/Mission suggestions post, or send us an email. This is also a good time to suggest new missions, as they'll be up in a couple of days. /o/

I hope this wasn't too confusing. I'm fairly certain I forgot something though, so poke me if you think I did, and keep an eye out for edits.

Comments to this post will be OOC.


IMPORTANT! Make sure you have two posts in for this month, because I'll be going through to make sure in two days. However, if your character was accepted last Sunday, or if you were on hiatus for more than half the month, you only need one.

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