† Eleventh Video&Action

Mar 16, 2010 22:42

[Today we're seeing Gin at his new job which is neither a bartender or a whore, to the surprise of some.  Oh I feel so classy.

Gin is standing at the front of a classroom with the classic set up of chemicals in beakers in front of him, a bunsen burner not yet turned on off to the side and a horrendously thick textbook off to the side.  Seriously, this is the textbook of nightmares, the thing you groan at when you see it on the counter of books you need for the year in high school.]

As you can see with today's setup, we'll be beginning the chemistry section of this unit.  The anatomy assignment is still due tomorrow, however, so don't think you can squirm your way out of drawing the genitalia of some animal.

[The shit-eating grin on his lips is not a hallucination.  He has a classroom full of morons to horrify, what could be better?]

With that little announcement out of the way, I'd like you all to take a close look at the chemicals in front of you.  See them?  Good.

Go nuts.

[Forty seconds later.]


[Vaguely you might here a scream of "AUUUUGH FUCK IT'S IN MY EYEEEE!!" over the yells and screams of some students.]

And that, class, is what not to do.  Now that we've covered the fact that you're all fucking dumbshits, open your textbooks to page 263.  Beat, put out the fire when you're done rinsing your eye out at the eye station.

[The feed ends there.]


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