3rd Hope [Accidental Video]

May 03, 2010 00:45

[The feeds snaps on shakily as though it was just dropped and you see... Hope's clothes lying in a heap on the floor of his room. Before the ladies in the audience get too exited, a small lump begins moving around inside them, and Hope's muffled voice can be heard.]

Whoah! Hey, who turned out the lights!

[The lump fidgets for a few seconds before the head of an adorable white Eevee pokes his head out. A few seconds of struggling and Eevee!Hope frees himself from his shirt]

H-hey, what's going on!? Why is everything so big?! Why is-

[Looking around frantically, Hope's eyes settle on a conveniently placed mirror behind him. His eye's widen and his ears and tail stick bolt rightup adorably.]


[And not used to having four legs, Hope then stumbles off camera.... CRASH!!]

(OOC: Residents of room 3-7, you have an Eevee learning to walk in your room. Enjoy, and feel free to use action tags.]

hope estheim

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