1 Game [video]

May 03, 2010 16:04

[Joshua is very much not pleased by this development (an easy button? really?) but if he's good at anything, it's acting like a jerk even when he's upset/annoyed/any negative emotion he doesn't want to convey. So the video clicks on, and he waves.]

Well, that was rather... unexpected. [there's the slightest trace of bitterness to that word, but he bounces back quickly.] Still, it doesn't look like there's much to be done now, so I might as well introduce myself. My name's Yoshiya Kiryu, Joshua if you prefer that. I'm sure we'll get along very well. [and then he giggles. it's damn creepy.]

By the by, I do have a question for you all. [the camera moves slightly to show the pokemon roaming the halls, and that Joshua is absently tossing a red and white ball] Is this a normal occurrence?

yoshiya 'joshua' kiryu

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