May 25, 2010 02:51
[So, it's that other Sho again. And because it's bright and early on Towel Day, he appears to still be considerably lacking in clothes! Except that he stole some from a convenient NPC since his first post, so he was decent for a little while. And now they're gone. And he's upset at this development. At least there's a black towel wrapped around his waist?
Behind him is what appears to be part of a grocery store, if all of the products packed in fairly sturdy boxes in a fifteen-foot radius were trying to be in the same place. Why? Because he felt like putting them there. There might be a rogue chair from the little common area of 3-3 perched precariously towards the top, too, because Sho is not the most considerate roommate. Or shopper. In the middle of putting it together is when his clothes vanished, so anyone between the store and 3-3 at the time probably heard him swear loudly and/or got an eyeful. "Swear" here meaning "names of mathematicians."
So, again, Sho is just about naked and pretty peeved about it.]
Radians on this ship need to stop subtracting my clothes.
[A pause. He leans back against his tower...thing.]
Not zetta original anymore, either. Can't this heap come up with something more interesting? I could run this plane better than the 000s letting factors randomly disappear.
[Behind him, there is the sound of someone trying to pull out one of the boxes that make up the tower. He twists around, dropping the Guide carelessly -- it shuts off automatically after a minute or so of footage of the ceiling, while Sho can be heard barraging an innocent shopper with threats for trying to "destroy" his "perfectly-calculated masterpiece."]
sho minamimoto (ou)