[Gojyo seems to be dressed a bit differently from normal. Specifically, he's wearing
this for a change. Also, he's in black and white. Yup, another victim of the infinite improbability drive.
He doesn't seem too happy about it, though. In fact, he's yelling.]
[...Yeah, that's helpful. Gojyo glares up at the sign and then tries to wave it away. When that fails, he swears some more.]
[He glares harder, trying to hit the sign, but his hand passes right through. Finally, he gives up, just pulling the hat from his head and throwing it to the ground, then tugging at his jumper as if he's about to tear that off, too.
Then he stops, and instead bends down to find a pen and some paper, scribbling some barely legible kanji onto it, and then holding it up in front of the camera.]
[Translation: Hakkai!]
[End feed.]