Aug 29, 2010 22:12
[The first thing the feed shows off is a mountain sunset. You know the ones, the really vibrant ones that come with being high up.]
Heh, this is a better one than what we got at the castle.
[Dokugaku shuffles a bit and the angles changes as he sits down on the ground to take it in, and lets the people on the network see it too.]
Anybody else get that feeling that you lose track of time on the ship? No real difference between day and night since it's all enclosed.
[Feed tilts to show Dokugakuji looking like he's just run a hard few miles. His shirt is unbuttoned and he's sweating, but it's the good sort of tired.]
If anybody's capable of the climb you should see it in person before the ship bugs out. It's worth it especially when the next planet might be a shitstorm.
[One more shift and you get to see the climb Dokugakuji made.]
[Up an extremely steep cliff.]
But only if you're capable.