So one of my summer courses is a beginning accounting class. I called the bookstore, got the list of required texts with ISBNs and ordered my books elsewhere. One of the things I needed was a simulation program which I ordered late April and received mid-May. It's been sitting here since; untouched by human hands, glistening in its clear plastic
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...but I've come up for air. I got an 'A' in Management, an 'A' in Marketing, and I still have to finish my Business Law independent study. But so far, so good! My research paper for Law is interesting at least. It's a bit surreal to be reading about litigation involving tobacco companies being sued by smokers dying from lung cancer or emphysema (
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Yesterday was Jack's birthday. When I got home, he opened a card from Nana with a $20 in it, which was very exciting for him. :) I told him he could have whatever he wanted for dinner, since it was his birthday. I should have specified that it should already be in the house. He picked Chuck E. Cheese
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So I know a couple of you clicked on the linky-link to my ebay store - have any feedback? I have no watchers, no offers, no bids, no nothing. Are they overpriced? Pictures no good? Not enough description? Wrong categories? What am I doing wrong? :(
...because I've been working on this. Among other things, including school (I'm pulling an A average!) and work (I'm not earning much commission but it's ok because I'm new!).
Oh, and tomorrow I'm going to see Monsters on Ice. Very cool.
1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 123. 4. Find the 5th sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions. 5. Don't search around for the "coolest" book you can find. Do what's actually next to you.
It amuses me to some extent that I possibly come across as:
vacuous panicky passive smug predictable
on lj. Then again, since I don't know the identity of the person who did the nohari for me, maybe that's how I come across in real life. I would hope not. I don't think anyone who really knows me would describe me as vacuous. The others are
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